Anti-Fraud Controls to Greatly Lower Financial Losses
Helping Organizations Achieve Their Missions By Securing Their Finances
What Experts Say...
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiner Annual Report to the Nation noted:
- The typical organization loses 5% of its annual revenue to fraud.
- The median loss caused by occupational fraud was $160,000
- Small organization are disportionately impacted.
- Antifraud controls significantly lower the financial fraud losses.
- Over 85% of employees caught have never been charged with a crime
- The single most effective tool in detecting fraud is the anonymous tip line.
- Less than 5% of fraud is caught by annual audits by CPA's.
- The most vunerable organizations of fraud and embezzlement are nonprofits and small businesses.
With over 20 years experience designing financial control systems for Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits, we at FiduciaSolutions© have developed an inexpensive, easy to implement, sustainable process that helps protect the assets and reputation of your organization against the risk of fraud and embezzlement.
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