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To Dramatically Reduce the Risk of Fraud and Embezzlement at Charitably Focused Organizations & Small Businesses
To Dramatically Reduce the Risk of Fraud and Embezzlement at Nonprofit Organizations.
To Dramatically Reduce the Risk of Fraud and Embezzlement at Corporate Level Organizations.
CorporateThe presence of anti-fraud controls is notably correlated with significant decreases in the cost and duration of occupational fraud schemes.
Victim organizations that had implemented any of the 16 common anti-fraud controls experienced considerably lower losses and time-to detection than organizations lacking these controls.
What Our Clients Have to Say About FiduciaSolutions
"It gives piece of mind to not only myself, but to every employee in our office."

Historic Richmond Foundation
Mary Jane Hogue, Executive Director
"I recommend FiduciaSolutions with top marks in every category."

Emerald Physicians
Cormac Coyle M.D., Medical Director
"Effective, cost effective, and a sustainable part of your internal control processes."

United Way Worldwide
Michaelen Barsness, Vice President
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