Register New Business

Organization already registered? Please register here if you wish to be added to an organization already registered with FiduciaSolutions.

Primary Contact Information

Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

Please enter the following information. Your username and password will be used to log into our website and to manage your organization's account.

Organization Information

Please enter the following information for the organization you are registering.

Are you registering a commercial or charitably focused organization? Please specify the organization type and choose from the validation field:

Tip Line Contact Information

When a tip is received on the FiduciaSolutions Tip Line, the information will be forwarded to the primary contact and up to two others in the organization as specified below. It is strongly encouraged to list as many contacts as possible. Should the tip allege involvement of one of the Tip Line contacts, it will be filtered and sent only to the others. Some suggested positions to use as contacts are the owner(s), an executive director, the organization’s legal counsel, audit committee chairperson or finance counsel. We recommend reviewing these selections annually with a FiduciaSolutions representative.

Contact 1

Contact 2

Contact 3